Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Top Ten

I have decided that it might be fun ( at least to me) to do a "Top Ten" list every week. If not for my own entertainment, then at least to make me write at least one blog entry every week.  I am also a huge fan of list making, so this definitely helps me keep my thoughts a little organized!

With that being said, here is the inaugural Top Ten:

Top Ten:
Things that they don't tell you before you leave the hospital with a newborn

10. You WILL be woken up every 2 hours in order to feed your otherwise cute but loud newborn. So   much for thinking babies sleep all the time.

9. Diaper changes are SOOOO easy. Just make sure that if you have a boy, you have a "wee wee" guard and refrain from opening your mouth.

8. If you love laundry, you will REALLY love laundry now that you have a baby. Those cute little onesies that your friends so lovingly made you? Yup, you'll be able to use all of them...and then do laundry on day 3 because said onesies have been spit on, or pooped get the idea.

7. Milk? I really appreciate the cow now. All that work and then you gotta do it again in 2 hours? Sheesh- thank you Bessie for the hard work. At least we  get cheese out of it.

6. Babies don't sleep in their cute little cradle you so painstakingly picked out.  It is the retail industry's way of getting you to spend more money on everything adorable for your baby. And the hormones that were raging through your prego body are to blame. Where does said baby sleep? On to number 5:

5. You will not sleep with your partner in the same bed, let alone the same room for at least 6 weeks. Or until you finally succumb to the magic that is the SwaddleMe. If you love your partner ( like I love mine) you will buy this sleep apparatus for your newborn baby and for every friend that has a baby on the way. Think straightjacket for babies. Heavenly!!

4. The hormonal swings you had while pregnant will just magically disappear the moment you give birth. Yup- so not true. You will find yourself crying for joy and sadness at the littlest things. Let me just say that although it is a given that you will cry when watching ANYTHING on Lifetime, you should not be crying when Toddlers and Tiaras comes on. Well, I guess that's debatable.

3. Did I mention the laundry? Yeah, cloth diapers were a good idea...

2. Babies are hungry a lot. Did I mention that one, too? Breakfast, mid- morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, just because I am a baby snack, get the gist.

1. There are books and books out there written by people who are professionals, parents and even non parents giving you advice on how to raise your child. Sure, read them, but make parenting your own thing.

 If you can wash your hands, provide food and of course lots of love, I think you'll make it. And your baby will, too. At least that's what we are doing.