I had been talking about starting a pregnancy journal for our Baby Mar, and after much wavering, I finally started today. I decided that it might be kinda fun to note my musings in a way that maybe in later years, we could read together, just him and I and reflect on how our little guys journey began.
It is funny how attached you get to the baby that's growing inside. I guess when you really think about it, you are sharing a lot with this little person. The weeks tick by and I grow more and more attached. Today as I was watching a show on TLC called " A Baby Story" there was a couple who was having triplets ( I know, I can't even imagine!) and when the mother was giving birth, I just started crying! Prego hormones at their best of course- the scene just made my heart melt because in a few short months we will be lucky enough to meet our handsome little guy! I could just feel the emotion radiating from their happy mother's tears and their father's laugh.
Greg and I are so in love with Baby Mar and he is still in my womb! I am so excited to meet him and cuddle and just be a little family!
Ah, so sweet Jen! Baby Mar is a lucky guy to have such great parents!