When I was at my 20 week check-up earlier this week, my Nurse Practitioner said something that I hadn't thought about until the moment it came out of her mouth. " Have a good holiday and enjoy the last one you'll have with just yourselves. Next year you will be standing in line at the toy store because the baby will be here next Christmas." Yup- I hadn't even thought bout how this is our last Christmas "just us".
I remember the first Christmas we were together- nearly 11 years ago. I had been living in San Francisco and Greg was here in Sacramento. Trading weekends when we could just to spend time together. First gift from Greg? A space heater because my room was so cold. What a practical gift, right? We still have that space heater- a little old but still works!
I remember the Christmas before we got engaged- 5 years ago. We were exchanging gifts before our whirlwind trip to Madera and then Concord. He handed me a small box and I was a little nervous to open it. I shouldn't have been because it was an iPod! It makes me giggle now because little did I know he was planning on proposing to me a few weeks later while we were in Tahoe! After the proposal, I asked him if he wanted the iPod back!
And now we are in 2011. This is our first Christmas pregnant but our last as "just us". I am so happy to share this Christmas as "just us" with Greg. As long as I can remember, I have always wanted my life- the loving hubby who gets along with my amazing Mama Smith, living in a home that is not fancy but practical and a baby. I think Santa and God has gotten my wish list spot on for this year.
Yay! You both deserve every happiness! : )