Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Sweet Sixteen

Yesterday, our sweet Cole turned 16...weeks that is. It's kind of funny when you start keeping track of how old your baby is, you use weeks. That is until you tire of having to keep track of how many Saturdays have actually passed since giving birth. And technically, Cole is 4 months old according to the mathematics of 4 weeks= 1 month. But if we look at his birthdate of April 21, wouldn't that mean he won't be 4 months old until the 21st of August? Man, this age thing can really get your head spinning. And quite frankly I don't think I'll be able to continue to keep track of his age in weeks after this month. Too much thinking required and I think it might be a little strange to keep referring to his age in weeks all the way til he is a year old. Which incidentally, by the time April 21, 2013 rolls around, he will actually be starting his 53rd week. On that note, here are a few highlights:

In the past 16 weeks ( in no particular order):

1. Cole has rolled over from his tummy to his back- but not the other way yet. So poor little guy looks like a little turtle trying to flip back over.

2. Mommy and Daddy have finally been able to sleep in the same bed at the same time. Thank goodness for the Swaddleme.

3. Cole has been to 2 wedding receptions, 2 graduation parties, 1 baby shower as the guest of honor and 1 as a guest , numerous trips to Trader Joe's, 2 trips to M town and has ONLY had 2 meltdowns as of this writing. I do realize that after making this list, he will probably have a meltdown at the next wedding we go to. ( sorry N & J ! )

4. Greg and I have become "those" parents- you know, the ones who refer to themselves as mommy and daddy, talking about the baby at least twice in conversations,always talking about bowel movements ( I always kind of did that before the baby, but now it's a bit more acceptable!) and using a BOB jogger.

5. If we weren't morning people before, we are now. And who wouldn't be after seeing this face?

6. Diapers, diapers and more diapers. Nuff said.

7. Party island isn't scary anymore, it is a fun little toy activity center that Cole absolutely loves and can now maneuver on his own!

Lastly, 16 weeks means that I have to go back to work next week. I am nervous and excited but that is for another entry.

Happy Sweet Sixteen Baby!

*Note: When i started this post, it was actually August 12th. As you can see, 3 days later it was finished. That's the life of a person with a baby!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Ceiling fans

Our little guy is in love with ceiling fans. Actually, he is in love with one in particular. The one in our dining room is a brilliant blue and is constantly on ( due to the fact that we live in an old house that gets way too hot in the summer). Who knew that this would be the cheapest way to entertain a baby. His face just lights up when he looks at this fan. I have considered naming it just so he could consider it his playmate. Any suggestions?

Friday, July 13, 2012

Announcing Mr. Cole

I just realized that I hadn't really introduced our adorable baby boy.

Cole Louis
April 21, 2012
2:06 p.m.
7 lbs. 10 oz. 20 in.

He was actually one week, five days early. It was a nice surprise that he decided to show up early. I had just seen my doctor the day before and he told me that I could be "50/50". I wasn't sure what he meant by that but he said I looked too good to be ready to give birth. My ankles weren't crazy swollen and I was waddling and smiling. Go figure. His idea of 50/50 was that I could either give birth the following week or actually on my due date. Hearing that actually reassured me. I still had some things to do, people to see and diapers to buy.

I worked on the day I went into labor. I worked, then ran some errands because I wanted to be able to take it easy the next few weeks. I guess the baby knew because I did everything on my list that day and even had dinner with a friend. When I got home that evening, I felt a little weird but I thought I was just tired.  

I waited until Greg got home from a friends house and then I called the advice nurse. She didn't tell me I was in labor but she said I should come on down. Greg thought they would send us home since we still had 2 weeks. Long story short, Cole decided it was time and he showed up in the afternoon the next day.

And here he is!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Top Ten

I have decided that it might be fun ( at least to me) to do a "Top Ten" list every week. If not for my own entertainment, then at least to make me write at least one blog entry every week.  I am also a huge fan of list making, so this definitely helps me keep my thoughts a little organized!

With that being said, here is the inaugural Top Ten:

Top Ten:
Things that they don't tell you before you leave the hospital with a newborn

10. You WILL be woken up every 2 hours in order to feed your otherwise cute but loud newborn. So   much for thinking babies sleep all the time.

9. Diaper changes are SOOOO easy. Just make sure that if you have a boy, you have a "wee wee" guard and refrain from opening your mouth.

8. If you love laundry, you will REALLY love laundry now that you have a baby. Those cute little onesies that your friends so lovingly made you? Yup, you'll be able to use all of them...and then do laundry on day 3 because said onesies have been spit on, or pooped get the idea.

7. Milk? I really appreciate the cow now. All that work and then you gotta do it again in 2 hours? Sheesh- thank you Bessie for the hard work. At least we  get cheese out of it.

6. Babies don't sleep in their cute little cradle you so painstakingly picked out.  It is the retail industry's way of getting you to spend more money on everything adorable for your baby. And the hormones that were raging through your prego body are to blame. Where does said baby sleep? On to number 5:

5. You will not sleep with your partner in the same bed, let alone the same room for at least 6 weeks. Or until you finally succumb to the magic that is the SwaddleMe. If you love your partner ( like I love mine) you will buy this sleep apparatus for your newborn baby and for every friend that has a baby on the way. Think straightjacket for babies. Heavenly!!

4. The hormonal swings you had while pregnant will just magically disappear the moment you give birth. Yup- so not true. You will find yourself crying for joy and sadness at the littlest things. Let me just say that although it is a given that you will cry when watching ANYTHING on Lifetime, you should not be crying when Toddlers and Tiaras comes on. Well, I guess that's debatable.

3. Did I mention the laundry? Yeah, cloth diapers were a good idea...

2. Babies are hungry a lot. Did I mention that one, too? Breakfast, mid- morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, just because I am a baby snack, get the gist.

1. There are books and books out there written by people who are professionals, parents and even non parents giving you advice on how to raise your child. Sure, read them, but make parenting your own thing.

 If you can wash your hands, provide food and of course lots of love, I think you'll make it. And your baby will, too. At least that's what we are doing.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Playing catch up

It's the thought that counts, right? If it seems I have fallen off the planet, you would be correct in your assumption. That is exactly what happens when you have entered your last trimester of pregnancy, had a baby and then are taking care of said baby. If I am not mistaken, my last post was somewhere around March. I am really going to try my hardest to play catch-up and then some.

To sum it up, my last trimester was amazing. I know that sounds weird but I was able to work up until I had the baby. No, really. I worked and then later that night I went into labor. On Saturday, April 21 at 2:06 p.m., Cole Louis Martinez was born. He is perfect in every way and we are so in love. They say you don't know true love until you have a child of your own, and I believe that to be true.

So welcome to the world little guy! And I promise to keep this updated- I am sure that having a kid will add even more humor to our lives!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

32 weeks

Today I am officially 32 weeks along, which means I have 8 more weeks to go. Kind of a weird feeling, and all you mom's out there might agree, knowing that even though the  baby will be here in 8 weeks, it is just the beginning!

I feel like there is so much to do. They never tell you that preparing for the little one can be a little overwhelming. Well, maybe they do and I just decided not to listen. :)  At my check up yesterday, Greg decided to ask the doctor if the first baby is early or late. Unfortunately for me, his answer happened to be, "late". Well, it is an estimated due date. I guess we will see when the little man wants to come out and party!

After being in somewhat of a "honeymoon" phase during my second trimester and the early part of the third, I am definitely having a rough go of it this past week. Feeling nauseous and super tired again is not the best, but I suppose it will pass and then we can get on our way with the rest of the planning. I know they say you are never ready, but I at least want to be somewhat ready!

Lastly, here is an updated prego pic. Since I don't stay up to date as much as I would like, I at least wanted to document something for Baby Mar.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Oh baby!

Sorry that I haven't been on here recently. I guess the excitement of carrying the baby has gotten to me! I can try to give a recap of what has been happening in the land of Preggy Jenny in the last 2 months. Funny how time flies. I was thinking that to myself as I am nearing the single digit countdown. But before I get there, I will try to jot down a few of my thoughts that have not made it up here.
Back in January, Greg and I made our annual trip to Sorensen's. This year was a little sad because ordinarily snow has blanketed the ground, but this year Mother Nature decided to keep the snow to herself.

Even without the snow surrounding us, we had a wonderful time. We did the usual ,minus our snowshoe trek behind Sorensen's and adding more reading and relaxing to the menu. Their hot cocoa is to die for, I have no idea what they put in it aside from lots of chocolate and lots of whip cream! We found their outdoor fire pit ( usually covered by the snow) which we took full advantage of one afternoon. Seeing as this was our "babymoon" we tried to take the time to enjoy each other and reflect upon what was to come the next time we made it up! We are so excited to think about the idea of bringing Baby Mar up here and all the fun things he will enjoy doing. 

Sorensen's has become a very special place for us and we cannot wait to make more memories here with our soon to be addition!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Year, New Thoughts

I had been talking about starting a pregnancy journal for our Baby Mar, and after much wavering, I finally started today. I decided that it might be kinda fun to note my musings in a way that maybe in later years, we could read together, just him and I and reflect on how our  little guys journey began.

It is funny how attached you get to the baby that's growing inside. I guess when you really think about it, you are sharing a lot with this little person. The weeks tick by and I grow more and more attached. Today as I was watching a show on TLC called " A Baby Story" there was a couple who was having triplets ( I know, I can't even imagine!) and when the mother was giving birth, I just started crying! Prego hormones at their best of course- the scene just made my heart melt because in a few short months we will be lucky enough to meet our handsome little guy! I could just feel the emotion radiating from their happy mother's tears and their father's laugh.

Greg and I are so in love with Baby Mar and he is still in my womb! I am so excited to meet him and cuddle and just be a little family!