Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Pregnant ladies everywhere!

Before I was pregnant, I never noticed the pregnant ladies around me. Sure, I was one of those people who was fawning over babies and when seeing a baby bump on women would say   , " Oh, what a cute pregnant lady!" but, I was never as aware as I am now about all the pregnant women surrounding me. I have heard that your senses are heightened while pregnant. Even Greg has noticed all the expectant mothers all around us.

My baby bump has "come out" in the last few weeks and I am definitely hyper aware of it. When I look down, I can see the slow development of what will be a huge bump in the coming months. My pants are being held together by a rubber band and this cloth tube thing ( which is quite comfortable but annoying to deal with in the potty) which should get me through until I have to wear maternity pants. Incidentally, thank you to my girlfriend Melissa for letting me shop in your "boutique". You have saved me quite a few bucks!

As of this writing, I am 16 weeks and very excited to reach 19 weeks since that is when we get to find out if we are having a boy or a girl ( if they aren't shy that day!). People have asked us if we prefer one over the other and our answer is " a healthy baby". It's fun to see what people around us think- most people have predicted we will have a girl. I guess we will see on December 7th- and so will all of you!

1 comment:

  1. When Marin was pregnant with Maggie I noticed baby bumps and babies everywhere. Actually even after birth. This time around is no different. Have you had any baby dreams? Baby gender dreams?
    We have an ultrasound on Friday and are on the fence about gender. We waited with Maggie and it was a lot of fun.
