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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

You say goodbye, I say hello

The Beatles were a mainstay in the Smith household growing up. I never truly appreciated their music until I understood the lyrics (and that songs were a little deeper than the surface suggested). Their song "Hello Goodbye" really is a bit confusing, but also kinda makes sense.

During my hiatus from the blogging world, a small heartbreak has occurred. My father-in-law passed away in early April, quite unexpectedly. He was a wonderful man. Such a loyal husband, loving dad and just an amazingly selfless human being. When I married my husband, 2 years ago ( and in the 8 years before), Lou always made me feel welcome, and treated me just like one of his own. I was fortunate enough to know him and feel the effects of his very big heart. So, it was a very sad day when we had to say goodbye to him.

Saying goodbye has always been a strange thing for me- therefore, I typically don't say it. Even when a loss has occurred, I am usually thinking to myself that I am just saying "see you later" or "until we meet again". But recently after Lou's passing, I just wanted to say hello. I know that sounds weird, but hear me out. Hello is always a great way of starting something- a conversation, a joke and even a friendship. Hello truly was a great word that described my Father in Law. He was just the friendliest person out there- striking up conversations with strangers, church goers and little kids.

So when I heard the Beatles song pop up on Pandora , I had to smile and think about good ol' Lou. He would want us all to say hello and never say goodbye.

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